Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Back to the drawing boards... Also, a success and an outing!

I picked up the box set of 1989-90 Pacific cards on eBay this week, hoping to get the corrected Scoop Stanisic card, as well as hope that it might have the corrected Chris Hundelt card.

Instead, all I got were the errors.

So, my quest to find these still sits at a big fat zero. I had my doubts about the Stanisic at the beginning, and now I'm even doubting the existence of the Chris Hundelt correction. is the only place I've ever seen the Stanisic version, and I've never seen the Hundelt, only seen it listed on Trading Card Database, who does not have a scan of it.

Is there anyone out there who can confirm without a doubt the existence of either?

And if so, what's your price to sell them to me?

I did have one success just after the eBay bonanza in my previous post arrived.

I mailed to Godfrey Ingram in the UK and had gone a few months with nothing so I assumed the worst, that it had disappeared.

On the contrary: it arrived a couple weeks ago with a US stamp over the British one, postmarked from San Diego, with all seven cards signed including the San Diego Storm All Stars card already signed by Daryl Doran.

Nice timing for that: after the FC Dallas-NE Revolution game, I waited outside and got Tom Soehn on three cards, and Fernando Clavijo signed 18, including the St. Louis card. It's now just missing Usiyan and Preki.  I likely will try Tomo after tax season is over. For those who don't know, he works as a tax accountant in California, so he's probably a bit busy for the next few weeks.

Give me a week or two and I'll do a post on players I'm missing for the sets, as well as cards I even need unsigned.


  1. I have both . Yes they exist . I have tried to find a 1979-80 steamers guide photo of Bob Robson and have not seen one . Maybe nasljerseys will get one up .

  2. It's killing me that I can't find those two anywhere yet. I'm hoping to try mailing Scoop again (my first attempt c/o the Columbus Crew went unanswered, so I plan to try via home) but I don't want to until I have a copy or two of the correct version.
